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Domus Zaplutus

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Where your money is our money.

The founding members of Domus Zaplutus are:

Francesca Ambrogini De Firenza
Vettoria Isabetta De Velletta
Stephan Von Metton
Robert Meryell of Warrwykk
Antonio de lupo De Firenza







The members of Domus Zaplutus are all part of the SCA, the Society for Creative Anacronism.  The SCA recreates the middle ages from the 600s to 1500s, our family specializes in the mid 1400s and is centered in the city of Florence.

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We are all rather new after joining in June of '98.  Francesca & Vettoria's  second 'SCA' experience was Pennsic War XXVII, an annual event drawing over 10,000 people to the small town of New Castle Pennsylvania.   This page is rather incomplete as we have just begun to put it together. So for right now, to keep you entertained, here is a photo from Pennsic XXVII of a knight in full armor. This gentleman posed for this but we do not know his name. If he should happen upon this page - thank you kind sir! 


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